Saturday, January 09, 2010

Coercion? Of Course!

The "closing of Gitmo," the buying of an empty prison in his home state, the immediate Mirandizing of the singing Christmas Jockey Short Jihadist, the change of venue of Khalid Sheik Mohammed and friends to New York City are just a few of the incredibly naive mis-steps of the Panderer-in-Chief with regard to securing this nation from terrorists.

Do you think this situation is going to work out well when the trial and justice show arrives in New York? Here's a glimpse into the future:

He Was Coerced. The Evidence is Flawed.

The guy was captured on a bloody battlefield. At that moment he is an illegal enemy combatant, not a prisoner of war and not a criminal in the United States. He has actionable intelligence and people will be dying in the very near future if that information is not harvested. Do you think he might have been placed under some duress? You bet your buns he was.

That is inevitable. To extend that and say that future statements cannot be proven to be "untainted" by the earlier coercion is ludicrous liberal claptrap. This is not going to end well. It is going to become an accelerating exercise in which continually increasing handicaps will be placed in the path of prosecutors. Eventually these wild-eyed savages will be freed and standing in the ticket line at an airline counter near you.

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