Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More Than a Bounce

The pundits tended to discount the sudden leap of Rick Perry to the top of the potential Republican heap as simply the novelty of the new-comer to the race. But, now he's been in long enough for some of the bloom to have faded on that Texas rose. People have paid attention, the Dems have come out to trash him and even the shadowy gray visage of Whatzisname Huntsman who consistently polls something less than 1% couldn't make a dent in Perry's position.

But look at this Gallup Poll result:

Zooms to #1 With a Bullet

Take a moment here to play apprentice political scientist with me. Read down that piece for the breakout by demographic slices. That's where you learn something of value.

Perry leads when you break down by age group in all age brackets. He leads by regions. He leads by gender of voter. He leads by identification as liberal or conservative. He leads by church-goer or non-churchie.

In other words Gallup found that Perry has a very broad base that is more than evangelical, red-neck, beer-swilling, boot-scootin' secessionist Neanderthals. The electorate appears to like him.


Joe Myers said...

Governor Perry had my vote as soon as I learned he was a Herk pilot. Question is, will that cost him your support?

Anonymous said...

Joe-that's a good one. Well Ras? Trash hauler,fighter pilot,trash hauler,fighter pilot???

Nancy and Speedy said...

Every pilot worth wearing the silver wings wanted to fly fighters. There just were not enough to go around. The C-130 was the next best mission; in many ways better. Joe and I have many good memories to "Go West" with. Speedy