Friday, August 26, 2011


The President has "not been treated fairly."

We have that on good authority here. The anecdotal evidence of "most folks I've talked to" support the conclusion. What more do you need to know?

Congressman Elijah Cummings Plays The Card...Again

Excuse me??? Does the gentleman from Maryland purport to be unaware that the President's own party held a super-majority in both chambers of the legislature for the first two years of his tenure?

Is it unfair to seek a return on a trillion dollars of stimulus spending? Is it unreasonable to want unemployment to go down rather than up as a result of the administration's policies? Could we really suggest that the US position with respect to other nations of the world has improved under the policies of appeasement and apology which he embraces?

And how would you say the level of unfairness compares with the gentleman from Maryland's own conduct with respect to the previous incumbent of the Oval Office?

It doesn't matter if the Messiah is black, brown, yellow, red or brindle. The fact is that he entered the job without executive experience. He's never been responsible for measurable performance. He's been a child of affirmative action privilege for his entire life. And he's incompetent.

I'd call that estimation fair.


The Flying Barrister said...

Most blacks would tell you that they are treated unfairly. Never mind all the poor choices that they have made and the self-inflicted injuries.

What Cummings says is meaningless.

Have you seen the ad that Roger Coleman of TX did for his campaign called The Donkey Whisperer? It's simple, inexpensive, entertaining, and effecting. I don't know how to make the link work right, but one can pull it up on youtube.

LauraB said...


millerized said...

Cummings is an unequaled douchenozzle, with even fewer qualifications than said douchenozzle. There's a reason he represents that part of the states, and it's occupants: birds of a feather.

bongobear said...

People like Cummings and Maxine Wters have their own agendas and they don't have a damn thing to do with the good of the country.

an Donalbane said...

Golly, I had no idea.

Rep. Cummings makes me want to go straightaway to a candlelight vigil, singing Kumbaya, and holding hands in the hope that people will change and treat President Obama fairly.

Or not.

Anna said...

The 'race card' it seems is the last desperate refuge of the scoundrel.

Anonymous said...

Actually I don't think it really matters what color the President is to you folks. You'd be putting out the same crap if it was Hillary, right?

Did it ever occur to any of you that if Obama and Bush hadn't did what they did we might have 20% unemployment and be in a depression, along with US Gov't owning the ten largest Banks?


Flying Barrister said...

Hey Leadfoot:

I see that you are back to post more of your craziness.

What does your post have to do with Cummings saying Obama is being treated unfairly because he is black?

It is the same stupid country that elected him.

You may also want to check the way unemployment is measured and note the difference between nominal and real unemployment. Real unemployment is closer to 20% than 8%.

What was it last time? That Clinton had the military and intelligence apparatus well prepared for Bush when the events of Sept 11 2001 occurred?