Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Clear Miss by McCain

I read Robert Stacy McCain's blog almost every day. He's got some insights into stuff and he offers a gateway to a lot of good follow-on sites. But today, I simply don't get his problem. He's got the beak about David Brooks doing an editorial for the NYT on populism.

I had to see what was so outrageous. Seriously, the NYT offers a lot of humor these days as well as fodder for serious ridicule. They sure didn't in this piece:

The Populist Addiction

I can find very little to disagree with in that. The current embrace of populism by the "progressives" nee liberals, thinly veiled in a veneer of class warfare and success envy is exactly the failure that Brooks is talking about.

Frankly if I hear one more appeal to "Main Street" to rise up against "Wall Street" I think I'll barf. The very essence of our free market capitalist system is of participation in investment through a vibrant middle class. Main Street is part and parcel of Wall Street.

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