Sunday, February 28, 2010

Kool-Aid Party

So, the Speaker of the House is throwing a party. "I want you all to come down to the beach where I will talk to you and then we'll all have a big glass of this wonderful grape Kool-Aid. After which you will then lay down and take a really long nap until you bloat in the sun and flies establish residence in your mouth."

What Part of Representation Doesn't She Understand?

She wants them to get behind the jobs bill which isn't a jobs bill at all but a hand-out to special interests of money we don't have. It has become the way of doing business even though the people have finally realized that government doesn't actually have a big pot of money to dole out. It's our money and we can eliminate the middle man by keeping it in the first place.

She wants them to get a healthcare bill. This is a great quote:

Pelosi told CNN that "in a matter of days" Democrats will have specific legislative language on health care to show to the public and to wavering lawmakers. She predicted voters will warm up to the bill once they understand its details.

"When we have a bill," she said, "you can bake the pie, you can sell the pie. But you have to have a pie to sell"

Excuse me? What is that 2700 page pile of paper they've been hauling around? Isn't that the pie which so many of the recalcitrant Congress-critters have gotten their localized slices of already? They've had a pie and it is over-baked and sour. No one wants to taste it let alone subsist off of it.

This is an election year. The people are wising up. The word is on the street and can be heard everywhere. If they fail to listen it means they aren't representing us and they will be sent home. Ms Pelosi needs to pay attention and read the tea leaves.


Carter Kaplan said...

Where is she coming from? I really have no idea, but two or three possibilities come to mind:

First, she is so driven ideologically that she doesn't care what pushing this legislation will do to the Democratic Party. Her suggestion that people should sacrifice their careers in Congress to get this bill through seems bizarre, to say the least. Her invocation of righteousness, "never mind what the people want, we know what's best for them" doesn't carry the weight of a moral high ground at all, it just seems bizarre. She has taken democracy out of the Democratic party. It's just plain weird.

Second, she is surrounded by a group of "yes men" that have strongly reinforced her policy agenda, and from this inward-looking and self-congratulating committee dysfunctional thinking is the outcome.

Third, and this is the one that I find disturbing and so would prefer to believe in one of the above explanations: that is, her organization--who and what ever they are--is committed to any policy, no matter how wacky and out of touch, so long as it leads to economic destruction, crisis and "transformation."

Interestingly enough, not only Republicans, but also many Democrats are wondering these same things.

MagiK said...

She represents District 8 of California, San Francisco to be more precise, apparently the nature of the city means she gets away with pretty much any left leaning actions she can think of.