Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Only Numbers

It gets tougher and tougher to ignore the mood of the electorate. Here's the latest on how the people are feeling about their legislature:

Record-Setting 10% Love Their Congress

That sort of a poll would lead a prudent person to believe that more than simply Tea Party conservatives and gun-loving Rednecks are noticing.

It would also be a very clear indictment of the leadership which the majority party has put in place in the two chambers.

If they had taken a vote of the 7th Cavalry after the Little Big Horn, my guess is that they wouldn't have re-elected George Armstrong Custer.


jjet said...

Next thing you know they'll be voting for all those "unelectables" like Medina and Paul.

Don't they know that if we just vote for the carefully-coiffed, teeth-capped, telepromptered and rehearsed mainstream moderate Republicans, that the Republic will be restored , the police/nanny state will be dismantled, the national accounts will be balanced and we will finally get down to some serious ass-kicking in (you pick the 3rd world country that is the Threat To Our Freedoms Of The Century du jour)?

The silly unwashed masses just won't listen!

Ed Rasimus said...

Good grooming and preparation don't preclude an ability to govern effectively and represent honestly.

TheOtherLarry said...

But but but... those congresscritters are just so much smarter than us rabble - just ask em.

They should just explain it harder with 2 letter words - yeah, that'll work!