Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Indictment of the System

She's bitter. She's been taken advantage of. She is a victim of circumstances. She is cared for by divine providence. She seeks no favors and has garnered no preferences. She apparently is unhappy about how it has worked out and somehow sees nothing wrong with her very unusual perspective.

Aunt to the Messiah Flaunts the Law and Gripes

She shouldn't be picked on or highlighted simply because of who she is related to. The old cliche still applies; you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. You're stuck with the accidents of birth.

But check out some of the issues this poor woman raises:

For two years Onyango said she lived in a homeless shelter, before she was assigned public housing despite thousands of legal residents also awaiting assistance. "I didn't take any advantage of the system. The system took advantage of me."

"I didn't ask for it; they gave it to me. Ask your system. I didn't create it or vote for it. Go and ask your system," she said unapologetically.

That's gratitude for you. She jumps the line, gets free public housing, is an acknowledge illegal and she casts blame upon America. Maybe being picked up by ICE, detained for processing and then deported would be a choice she could respect. Would she blame that system as taking advantage of her?

In 2004 a judge ordered Zeituni Onyango out of the country, but she never left. She stayed, hiding in plain site. In 2005 she attended her nephew's swearing in as the junior Senator of Illinois. In 2008 she was invited to, and traveled to D.C. for President Obama's inauguration.

However her nephew, she says, never pulled any strings for her.

"Listen. Obama did not know my whereabouts."

Excuse me? She is destitute, living in public housing, yet she travels to Washington for the Bamster's swearing in as a Senator from Illinois? How did she know when, where or what was going on? She was INVITED(!) to the Messiah's inauguration, but he did not know her whereabouts? Can you say "non sequitur"?

Onyango hired a top immigration lawyer from Cleveland to help fight her case. We asked how she afforded that lawyer, when she claimed poverty.

"When you believe in Jesus Christ and almighty God, my help comes from heaven," she responded.

I'm not sure what firm the late JC has on retainer in Cleveland to argue these cases. I will confidently assert, however, that it wasn't pro bono and the lawyer probably didn't declare an overnight precipitation of manna from heaven as his compensation for services rendered.

When asked about cutting in line ahead of those who have paid into the system she answered plainly, "I don't mind. You can take that house. I will be on the street with the homeless."

"To me America's dream became America's worst nightmare," she said adamantly. "I have been treated like public enemy number one."

She gets preferential treatment, free housing, a check without working each month and regular invitations to the White House. Her legal problems are handled by a top flight attorney. It's our worst nightmare. She's treated poorly in her mind.

She says she wouldn't mind if we took back that house. Let's see if she means it. Let's be fair America. Stop picking on her with all of these benefits. She feels abused by it all. Let's all come together and stop the bad treatment. Terminate it now.


bongobear said...

The whole family is screwed up.

bongobear said...

The whole family is screwed up.

Anonymous said...

Ungrateful blood tick.

One of Michael Savage's satirical sayings comes to mind:

Me immigrant,
You white racist.
Me sue, ACLU....