Sunday, November 28, 2010

Serving Justice

We grow smug in our superiority. We are just but humane as well. We eschew cruel and unusual punishment and we continually refine what is cruel or unusual. We are culturally aware and we provide orientation marks in the cell for prayer rugs. We supply new Korans and Halal diets lest we inconvenience our captives.

They, on the other hand, punish criminal activity brutally. They stone to death, even in the 21st century. They behead both formally by government and informally as terrorists. They flog and torture. They chop off hands that commit offenses. How brutal and inferior to us!

Everyone Would Leave. They Would Leave Dead or Wounded.

Maybe the Islamic world knows their people much better than we do. Maybe they realize that their populations need a greater discipline than we are willing to enforce.

When someone comes to this country from a rat-hole like Somalia and after seeing the opportunity and potential of life here then chooses to destroy innocents in a public gathering at a festival of joy dedicated to children and families they merit something more than simple imprisonment.

The very concept of prison is of rehabilitation and redemption, rather than punishment. When I view this individual, I see no potential for success in such a goal.
I am disturbed that we have no suitably violent punishment to do justice to this situation. Is no one around anymore who understands Iroquois methods?


juvat said...

Trial by peers. Death by lethal injection.

MagiK said...

No need for violent brutal punishment, NOR for expensive lethal injection after decades of appeals. A simple $1.25 bullet to the head, quick clean and inexpensive. It wouldnt be cruel nor inhumane, but quick and clean to remove the waste from decent civilized folks sight.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

$1.25 seems a little extravagant to me. A four-cent .22 would accomplish the job - with little worry of splashing the walls.

MagiK said...

Well I do like to tryout the larger calibers :D

Randall said...

Simple. A new variant of "Trial by peers." Put him in general population, and make it well known who he is and what he's done. Let scum deal with scum.

Snakeeater said...

I vote that he should spend the remainder of his life in a cell with a fellow inmate nicknamed "Tripod".

But then again, maybe he'd like that...