Sunday, November 14, 2010

When Policy Becomes a Popularity Contest

Remember Jose Padilla? He was the alleged dirty bomb plotter who was held by the Bush administration at Gitmo. He was arrested, held awaiting military tribunal, eventually transferred to Miami where he was tried in a federal court and found guilty. Now he's in prison.

Along the way the American left vilified President Bush for denial of this upstanding individual's right to a trial. They screamed of injustice and habeas corpus. Imprisonment without limit or trial was an outrage to their sensibility and demonstrated clearly what an evil man, Bush was.

That was then and this is now:

On Again, Off Again, Maybe Never, I Can't Decide

When you get elected to the top job in the country that is because the people want you to make tough decisions. Those aren't handled with opinion polls, they take intelligent analysis, evaluation of alternatives and then decisive action even in the face of unpopularity. You don't "run it up a dozen flagpoles" and wait for salutes.

Bush had made the decision on KSM. A military tribunal, off-shore, closed-door when necessary for national security, and then a decision. There is little doubt that KSM is a bad guy. There is little room for disagreement about his intentions or his actions or his results. He is not an American. He is not a lawful combatant. He is not protected under the US Constitution. He is what he is, and he should pay a just price for his actions. Bush made a tough decision.

But he didn't get to implement it. Enter the new regime. Suddenly we have the ever-populist Eric Holder emerging from a sea of important law enforcement issues like illegal immigration to announce that KSM is coming to the Big Apple. We're going to have the show trial of the millennium, during TV sweeps week. Just down the block from Ground Zero, we'll have New York City come to a screeching halt for a year and allow this bearded nut job a public forum for his screed. Great choice Eric!

If that is your tough decision, so be it. I can only assume you did it after deliberation of the consequences. Oh? You really didn't think anyone would be bothered? How dumb are you?

So, why not fall back to square one? Let's have a military tribunal and then hang the guilty bastard.

Apparently not. Now we've got the Bamster and his Law Dog deciding that indefinite off-shore incarceration which would have incinerated the Bush administration is the wise thing to do for KSM.

Double standard is too delicate a term to apply to this.


an Donalbane said...

Well, if double standard bearers doesn't work, maybe chicken-$hit hypocrites will.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

I think Bush screwed up with Gitmo; he knew most of the inmates were dumb schlubs taken in by the jihadis, and could avoid capital-case trials for many of them.
(So they could be repatriated at the end of hostilities, I/A/W the Geneva Conventions.)

Big Mistake. It left things wide open for the Marxist to come in and placate his lefty base - and stick a few thumbs in the eyes of America along the way.