Friday, September 23, 2011

Knowing Nothing

I've pored over my dog-earred copy of the Constitution again and again and still haven't unearthed the authority among the limited powers for the federal government to be running a mutual fund investing in renewable energy start-up companies. Didn't find a word about venture capital, investment underwriting, purchase and redemption of free enterprises or roll-over of profits from such activity. It must be in there but well hidden.

So we get a pair of the usual suspects now looting the City of Chicago being interviewed by WLS, the premier radio news station in the city.

A-Rod and Rahm Doing the Sidestep

How did they miss all those emails to them? Who are all those other favored companies that haven't failed and why haven't we heard them. Is Solyndra simply a single aberration among hundreds of success stories? Inquiring minds need to know.

Here's the way Rahm and Axelrod would handle it in Texas:

1 comment:

an Donalbane said...

A late Chicago resident, Paul Harvey, would've described Messrs. Rahm & Axelrod's behavior as "selective amnesia".

Good Day!