Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Nonsensical Emotional Appeal

The question that comes to mind repeatedly as I watch yet another pseudo-leadership move by the Messiah is, "how stupid does he think the American people are?"

The bill he proposes is clearly a stimulus and it clearly is a huge tax increase proposal. When you define the tax increases as applying to those making $200,000 and higher you are definitely slicing into the middle class. That isn't the territory of great wealth. It is the meat and potatoes of small business owners and educated professionals. The alternative to his tax burden is a quick lateral to the Super Committee, dumping responsibility to find deficit reductions somewhere else. They've already got a $1.5 T task on their plate and the Bamster wants them to round up another half-a-trillion.

Cover up the lack of workable substance with another "do it right now...and we'll find out what is in it later" sense of urgency. Stampede the herd to get leaner steaks for dinner.

If you really want to appreciate how emotional his approach to problems can be look at the heart-wrenching pathos of the video here:

It's Old and Poor Ventilation and Might Make Kids Sick and Stupid Too

So, you stand in front of an historic building, you generalize that nothing has been done to update or maintain it. Then you extend the generalization to schools across America. You build a straw-man deficiency and emphasis that it MIGHT makes a student sick. Finally you link that remote possibility derived on questionable logic to educational failure. Only he can save Americans from a generation of coughing ignoramuses orphaned by collapsing bridges and highways caused by failure to pass his bill right now.

Most importantly you gloss over the fact that school budgets, including maintenance and capital improvements, are not funded by federal spending. They are funded by state and local school district revenues.

But, then you were stupid enough to elect him once so you should be stupid enough to lap that drivel up again.

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