Thursday, May 14, 2009

"I'm Melting, I'm Melting..."

"Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."

I Didn't Know What I Knew When They Told Me What I Then Knew But Don't Know Now

All Those Charts and Memos and Briefings Didn't Exist. They Are Always Lying to Me

Only I Was Able to Break the Mystery of the Missing Strawberries

How Was I to Know That? It Wasn't Defined As Torture Until This Year

Can I Help It I was Misled?

Why does all of this cause me to recall Humphrey Bogart?

Has the Speaker found her bearings?

1 comment:

jjet said...

Not to worry, The Messiah and the former First Basilisk will soon kick her under the bus.

Nancy, note to self: You can keep stealing stuff from us (and making money for yourself) and having fun with your social experimentation as long as you don't piss off the boys at Langley. Saddam and Noriega come immediately to mind.

You piss off the CIA enough and you die.

Oh, that you only would....