Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Voice of the Villain

They made him into some sort of evil puppet-master, caricatured as pulling the strings on an Oz-like George W. Bush. Yet, if you take the time to listen to what he says and read what he writes, Karl Rove makes sense.

He offers a mature and experienced perspective on American political process, the office of the Presidency and the agenda which faces our nation. That's why he draws the big bucks from the few remaining rational media outlets.

Here's his latest from the pages of the Wall Street Journal.

Good News and Bad News

This isn't a screed. Rove certainly didn't like the campaign agenda, but he now willingly admits that some of the actions since taking office have apparently been tempered by reality. Unfortunately he also notes that the rationale usually comes out as political expediency rather than mature analysis of the policy choices.

Maybe the key thought in the piece is the last paragraph:

Mr. Obama either had very little grasp of what governing would involve or, if he did, he used words meant to mislead the public. Neither option is particularly encouraging. America now has a president quite different from the person who advertised himself for the job last year. Over time, those things can catch up to a politician.

How much time do we have for that "catch up" to become meaningful?

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