Friday, March 26, 2010

Beyond the Pale

I will fight for freedom. I have in the past and I will in the future. I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against enemies foreign and domestic. That oath wasn't time limited.

I am honestly frightened by the direction in which we are moving. There are points beyond which certain actions may be justified but we aren't there yet. We still are in a functional, if not functioning, democracy and the first course of action is process oriented not violent...yet. That day may come but we aren't there yet.

This disturbs me:

Familiar Name Goes Too Far

If you check out my Regular Stops list at the right, you've probably visited the Sipsey Street Irregulars page. That's the Mike in the news piece. It's a blog for patriots, survivalists and gun folks. There are some great posts about equipment, techniques, preparation, and politics.

But this reaches too far. It isn't time. It isn't now. It isn't appropriate. It shouldn't be condoned. Maybe soon, but not now.


Anonymous said...

so... when?

honestly asking.

Murphy's Law said...

Agree 100%, Raz.

The time is here to talk, plan, organize politically and make contingencies for the days that we hope won't ever come, but those are all things that we're allowed to do legally and they're actually something that every citizen should always be doing.

But advocating or resorting to open violence? That's not legal or proper, and worse, it plays right into our opponents' hands.

Like you and many other good people, if pressed, I will fight for my country and it's ideals if need be. But I'm not going to go out and start breaking people's windows as a means of political intimidation, or condoning such acts. That's literally as un-American as Obamacare.

Ed Rasimus said...

Anonymous, you ask "when"? First let me note that I've never been to enthralled by the "militia" types--too often they are paunchy wannabes who buy camo suits and run around the wood with their AR's convincing themselves they are warriors. They aren't.

Then let me suggest that breaking the windows of someone with whom you have a political disagreement is puerile at best. It smacks of brown-shirts and Krystalnacht.

Let's exhaust process alternatives first before we take to the ramparts. The ramparts will always be there later.

Throwing a brick through someone's window is vandalism, not patriotism.

Six said...

I'm wholly with you on this Ed and Me. I've been reading the goings on over there and skulling it, trying to be thoughtful and sure it wasn't time.
I'm convinced it isn't. The rhetoric is too hot and there's too much at stake. This is the time for 'steely eyed determination' not half cocked vandalism.
It's the time for plain speech and an honest look at the process. It's time for us to engage our brains and chart a path through these troubles. The left is the party of rock throwers.
I'm going to have to follow your lead Ed and post about this as well.

Anonymous said...

All well said, Raz.

Me, you are absolutely right about playing into the hands of the people who want to chisel away at the constitution. And I wonder how much of these activities and calls for violence are false flag operations? Remember, the opponent is using Saul Alinsky's playbook....

This is about information, knowledge, organization, communication . . . and bringing the truth to light. This is how the patriots will win the day. We only have a few months before the next elections. Play it smart and America will win.

TheOtherLarry said...

I also feel that my service oath has not expired and I am ready to defend this country and the Constitution. I also agree that now is not the time to take up arms. I do wonder, like Anon when that time is. I just pray that I can recognize it when the time comes.

In the meantime, we need to do our utmost best to use the political process (spelled Vote) to oust these "social justice" liberals from federal and local offices.

juvat said...

I'd agree with all. At a bare minimum, the time shouldn't be until November. Then reassess based on outcome and process.

Ponyexpress said...

Just know you do not stand alone Ed.

Anonymous said...

Not the message received... Maybe more nuanced than you thought?