Wednesday, March 31, 2010

They Will Lose

The quote is attributed to many folks. I've heard it linked to Mark Twain, H. L. Mencken, Will Rogers and others. A quick web search seems to indicate it came from a Congressman from Indiana, Charles Bruce Brownson. Regardless, it is a good lesson to learn:

Never pick a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel

It applies even when ink isn't involved, as when the Obama White House orchestrated a campaign to vilify Rush Limbaugh. Rush, of course, has a huge audience and three hours a day of airtime to respond in detail.

It applies again when we see the Bamster's minions sharpening the long knives to take on Fox News. 24/7 access to millions of loyal watchers who take the accusation as a personal affront to their own intellectual capacity and choice of news sources. Not wise at all.

Now we've got the administration's reaction to the major CEOs complying with federal accounting regulations and taking a writedown for future healthcare costs that amounts to nearly two billion dollars so far. More will be joining the parade shortly.

What does the White House say? It says this is a coordinated effort by "Republican CEOs" and the Wall Street Journal to undermine His Majesty and the huge success of healthcare. They bolster their argument with the always popular rationale that the opponents position is "BS". How cultured!

Even the AFL/CIO Noticed!

I've got to believe the Waxman, Stupak, Emanuel, Gibbs, Axlerod and yea verily, even the Bamster himself, are no match for the editorial resources the WSJ can bring to this fight.

Right now the WSJ is viewed as the most credible daily newspaper in America. The subscribers are the significant players in this country. They are corporate executives, shareholders, property owners, investors, entrepreneurs and intelligent people.

More importantly, they are the people who are the not inexhaustable source of all of those dollars the majority party seeks to redistribute.

They buy their ink by the barrel and they do not take lightly to being demeaned or brushed off.

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