Monday, March 15, 2010

It Doesn't Need to Be Broken

When the objective is total government take-over of all aspects of our lives then you don't need to have a crisis or a problem to justify expansion of bureaucracy, over-regulation, and a "leveling" of the playing field to allow the incompetents to reap the benefits from Reardon Steel or Taggart Transcontinental. Nothing government does seems to work better than free markets yet they strive to screw it up.

If you've been around computers for the last 25 years you've seen magic happen. A simple gadget that made number crunching, data-base management and word processing easier has hooked up with other machines to create a way of life. The 300 baud modem leap-frogged from 1200 to 24,000 to 56k to broadband. We suck up information through wi-fi and local networks while getting continually cooler gadgets to put it all at our command. Along the way the computers gained power and dropped in price while the network services grew their infrastructure and kept costs competitive. Free market at its best.

So, now we see this:

Net Neutrality Neuters Networks and Grows Government

If 95% of Americans receive some form of broadband and 94% of Americans have a choice of four or more providers, why is there a problem requiring government intervention?

Of course if you control information and the delivery pipeline you can most assuredly control the populace. Does this frighten anyone else?


MagiK said...

Does it frighten me? No more so than Government/Obama taking over the Auto Industry, the Health Care industry, the banking industry and anything else they want. Im quite certain we are on the way out as a Nation of Freedom and Liberty. The people on Welfare and subsisting off the tax payer are out numbering and out reproducing those of us who prize the Work Ethic and spirit of individualism. I believe short of a bloody revolt it is over. It is a bleak outlook, but all I can take solace in is the fact that Im middle aged and on the downhill side of Obama's useful population, I am fast becoming one of those people he believes should just accept the fact that your going to die. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more hopeful. Oh and for any Government flunkies monitoring this: A. you are part of those who are sponging off the tax payers, and B. Im not calling for a bloody revolt, just commenting that short of one I think the USA as a Free Nation is over....simple observation.

jjet said...

"Does this frighten anyone else?"

'Bout time it did, my friend. Been telling you about our out-of-control Federal Government for years now.

Welcome aboard.

Obama will be happy to use all those neat tools to control life in the US that Bush II gave him.

Of course when Dear Reader takes over the internet it will be "for the children".