Saturday, November 06, 2010

Disappointment and Surprise

For the people in India this must have been as big a disappointment as learning that Britney Spears lip syncs on stage:

Cue Cards For the Grand Orator

You see they don't get the word that we get:

"We thought Obama is a trained orator and skilled in the art of mass address with his continuous eye contact," an official, who did not wish to be identified because of security restrictions, said.
All that eye contact which reminds me of someone watching a ping-pong match is the bounce from left to right to left to right between his two ever-present spiritual guides. If someone doesn't write him a script he is just as likely to sound like Joe Biden as Joy Behar.


Anna said...

I so wish my story about that new Chancellor was still fiction. Alas even I failed to grok the sheer awesomeness of the vapidity.

nzgarry said...

Reading through the attached comments was more interesting than the article!.

Secretary of State Clinton has just left here after a 2 day stop.
She signed a document now known as the Wellington Declaration.

This apparently heralds a new "US/New Zealand strategic partnership".
That said, we still remain on the US "good friends" list where once
we were an ally.
The nuclear free legislation remains the obstacle I guess.
Still, a step in the right direction.

Ed Rasimus said...

"Nuclear free legislation" is liberal code-speak for letting someone else carry the heavy load. It's politically correct and as long as the US did it, it was secure as well.

But, now we enter the Messiah's dreamland where the US also embraces nuclear free policy. That leaves those brutish nukes in only the hands of Iranians, N. Koreans, Pakistanis, Venezuela, China and Russia...Maybe the Brits will take care of us.

Anonymous said...

At this rate we will have to go back to the Nike Hercules--to protect us from the incursion of mass waves of strategic bombers . . . from Iran.

Or maybe if we follow the Messiah and show we don't mean them any harm they will draw down. After all, _we_ are the aggressor....

nzgarry said...

Thats right Ed. It ended our ANZUS
alliance which was a good way for our small Military to contribute.
The lefties then set about reconfiguring them for UN "peacekeeping" duties.

At the time of the A-4 decommission we had an unannounced visit from Admiral Dennis Blair CinC US Pacific Fleet.
He first issued a brief press statement:

"This idea of peacekeeping is a load of Bismarckian shit. If you want to keep the peace you have to be prepared to fight!".
Then met with the Government of the day behind closed doors.

Of course the good Admiral is quite right and I have always regarded him well for his action.