Saturday, November 13, 2010

Maybe an Amendment Is In Order

This couldn't happen in the US, but maybe we should amend our Constitution to insure that it does.

Grumpy Elected! Can He Read?

Who could argue with a constitutional requirement that an elected representative be able to read and write? Do you occasionally have doubts about your US Congress-critters? How many of them freely admitted last year that they hadn't read various critical and voluminous pieces of legislation?

Was it because they didn't need to? Didn't want to? Or couldn't?

At first, I was appalled at the Brazilian electorate. But after further consideration, I conclude that they aren't that much different from us. We seem eager to elect clowns as well.


Anonymous said...

I think candidates should have to write out the Constitution in longhand in front of television cameras before they can run for office.

Dweezil Dwarftosser said...

I'd settle for them memorizing only that portion listing their enumerated powers - and writing out why the "interstate commerce" they regulate is pretty much limited to being a referee between states overseeing their own commerce - and nothing more.