Tuesday, September 13, 2011


I'm sorry, but I'm not a Michelle Bachmann fan. She whines and screams and throws tidbit of red meat to the faithful, but I honestly don't believe she has much grasp on complexities or issues. I don't think she has a chance of gaining the nomination but if she did, I would be apprehensive that she wouldn't be an intellectual improvement over the Messiah.

Listen to her take on this very dead issue:

Innocent Girls Forced Into Danger and Governor Complicit

Let's acknowledge that Perry has repeatedly admitted he should have not issued that executive order but if he wanted action on the vaccine he should have asked the legislature. He didn't seek legislation first, he retracted his executive order within a period of a week or two, he apologized. No harm, no foul, five years later still no problem.

Now what is Ms Bachmann's rant? These are "innocent young girls"! So how is their innocence compromised with an inoculation? Are they still virginal? I hope so, but if that changed it wasn't the shot that did it.

Was the shot mandatory? No. It simply took a parental statement of "no thanks," to opt out. Hardly an imposition.

Does Gardasil work? The FDA says it does provide protection for 5-10 years which would be the time for most of those young women to enter sexual adulthood and be the most ignorant and vulnerable with regard to means of protecting themselves from a high morbidity cancer.

Will vaccinating make an otherwise chaste "innocent young girl" suddenly promiscuous? No more than realistic sex education does.

Is a patented medication only available from one supplier? Well, yes. That's the whole point of a patent, Ms Bachmann.

Possibly her worst pronouncement was the anecdotal story of the distraught mother approaching her and asserting a cause-and-effect relationship between the Gardasil vaccine and mental retardation. Is this one of the candidates whose science is more reliable and immune from question than the Governor's statement that the science on man-caused global climate change isn't totally accepted?

And finally, the point that the Governor refuted so nicely, accepting a contribution of $5k in a $30 million dollar campaign effort will probably not buy his vote.

If these were examples of Representative Bachmann's A-game, she isn't ready to play in the big leagues.


Sarge said...

I agree!!!

Anonymous said...

I agreee also. She dropped off the screen after her attempt to smear Rick Perry. Her pandering and illconceived attack was shrill and baseless. Hopefully I won't have to choose between her and Barry. I would not like that choice.

juvat said...

Yep, she tubed it.

FlyingBarrister said...

The woman that approached and stated that her daughter was retarded was actually Michelle Bachman's mother.

Anonymous said...

As Rush said, "she jumped the shark with that one!"

Hippo said...

Bachmann and Palin. Barf. Can't we conservatives do any better than that?