Sunday, October 09, 2011

Back at the Asylum

I've taught classes on revolution. It is a political process and one which has had a place in history. It is a means for the governed to withdraw their consent from the government. It is what people do when they are oppressed. They do so in a meaningful way and usually with clearly articulated arguments. That is what our Declaration of Independence is about. It is what John Locke wrote about.

But there are other revolutions which were not so disciplined nor were they as well thought out. Occasionally revolutionaries are mindless drones whipped into a froth and acting without reason or even justification. They have surrendered their intellect and in the process they also have turned over their freedoms.

Watch this exercise for as long as you can tolerate it. Are these the great minds which will reshape the nation for global leadership in the future? Then consider the achievements of the individual who is being denied the right to address the group. He is as far to the left in American political thought and as devoted to redistributive economics and racial preferences as any individual in Washington, yet he doesn't meet their criteria:

We are...We a a heap...of serious...of serious...trouble...trouble!


an Donalbane said...

Reminds me of something I heard in the late '70s:

"Now let's repeat the non-conformists' oath: I promise to be different! (audience repeats) I promise to be unique! (audience repeats) I promise not to repeat things other people say! (audience repeats, laughs) Good!" - Steve Martin

Interesting that Rep. Lewis changed to Senator Lewis somewhere in the confusion.

I wonder if the city is required to send a BioHazMat team out there after that mass jerk-off?

Six said...

If revolution does come I don't think these people are going to like the outcome.

Murphy's Law said...

If you were an employer, would you hire any of those loons just based on how they look and act there?

Me neither.

LauraB said...

You gotta love Lewis' "security" in the "Union Thug" t-shirt. Why, it's loverly of them to be so upfront with their role.

I found it hilarious that the plants were all in some shade of red. Too, all I could think of was "target rich environment".

I have got to get moving on that alternate location...these morons are going to destroy everything.