Saturday, October 22, 2011

How The Media Works

Accusations of political bias against the mainstream media are common. It isn't hard to fault Chris Matthews for  "tingles up his leg" reportage of the presidential candidate he favored. It doesn't take a lot of prejudice to notice ludicrous hit pieces on Sarah Palin. Charlie Gibson's imitation of an aristocratic William F. Buckley when he interviewed her in 2008 was classic. Legs crossed, academic cardigan, glasses perched on elevated nose and proper air of superiority while addressing a bumpkin.

So, what about the Washington Post revelations this week about FL Senator Marco Rubio? Who was the crack reporter who broke that story?
Manuel Roig-Franzia is a reporter for the Washington Post who once got punched by his 70 year old editor, Henry Allen, for writing “the second worst story [Allen had] seen in Style in 43 years.” That’s right, Roig-Franzia wrote a horrible piece in the Style section. His 70 year old editor did not like it. Roig-Franzia reportedly called his 70 year old editor and Marine a “c**ksucker”, and the Marine punched him.
Not only is his background not political reporting, but he shows remarkable stupidity calling his boss and a Marine such a thing. Beyond that he appears to be a bit foppish when he gets punched out by a 70 year old man.

Here are the details of the issue:

No Supporting Quotes Found or Even Offered 

Poor Manuel! Makes you wonder if Roig was his maiden name that he hyphenated when he acquired a male bride. Simply a pathetic individual but it is the WaPo that pays his salary, isn't it?


FlyingBarrister said...

It's amazing to me that the old media still has as much credibility with the general public as it does. Cable, satellite, and internet sources have diminished the traditional news sources, but not enough.

Anonymous said...

While I agree with FlyingBarrister's assessment, I must add that it is no surprise that the Lamestream continues to flourish. This is a society today that elected Obamanation and still reveres him. You just can't cure genetic stupid!!!