Wednesday, October 26, 2011


It is a bit of a tradition in politics for a ward-heeler to make the rounds of the neighborhoods and buy a round of drinks. You don't go so often as to be conspicuous but you show up often enough that like Cheers, "everybody knows your name." When election day comes around a bit of loyalty is inevitable and your guy wins again. That's simply a way of life in old city politics, but it shouldn't be a national policy.

We've been exposed for the last three years to a binge of hand-outs and redistribution the likes of which we've never seen. This is a long way from Keynesian pump-priming. It is much more akin to putting a double-sawbuck in the hands of a street-corner wino and taking him to the polling place with a check-list.

There was some semblance of governmental response when the pay-offs to loyal unions and state/local government supporters was cloaked in "stimulus" garb and linked to magnificent restorations of infrastructure. Then it began to erode as we learned that "shovel-ready" was more related to a dirty barn than the rebuilding of a nation.

Healthcare became a bloated bundle of exemptions, carve-outs, unsustainable gift boxes and a very apparent seizure of an otherwise satisfactory industry.

All semblance of justification has now been abandoned as this week we see a frantic President desperate for re-election criss-crossing the country to buy votes. The Constitution is suspended for the duration. Legislation is no longer given even a nod. It is government by fiat with executive orders replacing democracy.

We got into economic trouble because we promised people with no credit and no income a "right" to home-ownership. Reasonable businesses were forced to comply with federal laws mandating suspension of due diligence. Governmental gas pumped an inflation in property values that kept the air in the sinking financial boat. Then someone cried out that the emperor was indeed unclothed and mortgage based derivatives insured by a magic and mirrors government duo of agencies collapsed.

The solution was to pump gas faster. We got TARP and Stimulus I. We got Government Motors. We got Quantitative Easing I and II, pending QE III. We've got more QEs than Cunard. Surprisingly, through it all, the American masses assumed that government was the source of money and that it was limitless. The "right" of everyone to everything right now is clearly manifest in the OWS movement.

This week we got a threat, not a proposal, for a Presidential order to mandate mortgage refinancing with further suspension of underwriting rules. Your house is currently mortgaged at 130% of assessed value? That's OK. We'll now mandate that you can refinance at a lower rate for even more. And good ol' Bamster will "insure" the mortgage lenders. Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn?

Here's a new one:

Exclusive Government Student Loans Now Lessen Repayment Obligation

You see, buried in Stim I we had the end of privately financed student loans. You can't shop for a student loan anymore. That's way too free market. It is solely under the control of the federal government.

We've already got a default rate on existing loans which is well beyond the fiscally tolerable level. But the whining class represented by Occupy Elm Street, et. al. has pleaded for loan forgiveness. Seriously, they took money, graduated from college, and without having learned the most basic concept of loan and payback they now find they can't get a job using their Master's degree in Trans-gendered Environmental Pacifist Studies. Therefore it is the government's job to make those greedy people who gave them money in the first place forgive them their debts. It's sort of the Lord's Prayer in the financial markets.

The scary part is that the mouth-breathing segment of the population inhales this stuff like high-quality Columbian through a rolled up Benjamin.


Anonymous said...

Going from primary helicopter at Ft. Wolters, TX to advanced helicopter in Alabama in 1970 made Texas seem positively enlightened. No alcohol between Montgomery and Panama City, Fla. Coffey County garbage collectors would report what they considered excessive empty bottles/cans in the trash to the county sheriff who would "come visit." That being the case, the club system at Ft. Rucker was a mecca on Friday and Saturday nights. No fewer than five bands each night on post with plenty local flora and fauna coming to entertain the 250 or so pilots graduating every two weeks. The good old days of the club system indeed! regards, Alemaster

Anonymous said...

Got my comment in the wrong place after Spellchecking. Was supposed to go to your "Classic Example" post. Pretty damn stupid of me, if you ask. regards, Alemaster

Flying Barrister said...

The market's decision to pursue oil in the Bakken Formation has created more jobs and wealth than the liberals have by throwing money at green energy.

Even jobs for other liberals. Just look at how well the strippers that have moved to the oil patch in Nor Dakota have done.

Robman said...

Obama is terrible at so many levels, I've become numb by now. I've run out of outrage. I'm 'outrage saturated'.

As bad as he is, though, what is even worse is the fact of his being elected in the first place. He's just one guy...but somehow, 53% of the electorate was convinced to vote for this fraud, this louse.

Yes, the media outside of FOX and WSJ backed him. But the information to make an intelligent choice was there for anyone who looked.

I say in all seriousness, without any intent to exaggerate, that the election of Obama was the single greatest act of mass stupidity in history, period.

Ed, again, I've got an essay I'd like to send you. It is too long to be posted here (I've tried).

The title is, "How the heck we got here". I wrote it originally two years ago this month.

My basic thesis is that Obama represents the sick political/cultural trajectory we've been on since the Vietnam era. One can't understand the state of America today, without understanding what happened in that crucially pivotal time, that you had experienced in such a searing personal manner.

In your closing chapter of "When Thunder Rolled", I see you wrestling with this question.

Did we "beat ourselves", as you seem to tentatively conclude? Even you don't seem entirely convinced by your own explanation. There is something missing, something nagging at you, maybe to this day.

I think I have an answer, or at least an explanation that I believe you'll find to be of interest, even if you don't agree.

I say we did not beat ourselves. We were very much beaten from without by a very clever and cunning adversary, who was able to make it seem as though we beat ourselves.

We are being beaten today in the same manner.

Obama is their crowning "achievement".

You must have my e-mail address simply by virtue of the fact that I post on your blog. Send me yours. I don't think you'll regret it.