They are occupying Wall Street and also occupying Main Street America. They have surfaced in Washington, Phillie, Boston and we've even got a share of loonies in Dallas. But, I'm not sure they are getting the job done.
My two classes today seemed like a good opportunity to get some representative college kids to discuss the movement and what they might identify as the goals. The brisk discussion I had hoped for died aborning. In one section only two of the fifteen students had heard of the Occupy Wall Street movement. In the other section of twenty-four students not a single one was aware of the protests.
So, number one for the OWS folks is to understand that most of America doesn't really care about them. Their movement has failed, at least in Texoma. But, that may not be too critical in the grand scheme of things. There isn't very much that these kids seem to notice.
Here, however, is a bit of intel which the protesters should consider important.
Bamster Job Creators Divvying the Loot They've Earned
That's right, boys and girls, the political hero that you voted for to dismantle the corporate stranglehold that is keeping you poor and benighted is funded by a list of CEOs and tall dogs that you thought were totally Republican pawns.
These plunderers of your potential largess are driving the policy machine that is going to take all of those welfare dollars which you deserve and aim them right at the selected group of Messiah minions who need a pay-back for their effort.
Read who is on the President's commission. Know what they are supposed to be doing. Review how that effort worked with Stimulus I. Now acknowledge that life isn't fair and the Bamster is not your friend.
Not a chance! Have you read Confidence Men? Same list of names.Jack
The right wing tea party types say Washington doesn't create jobs, right? The Free Market creates job's, right?
Sounds like the Occupy Wall street folks are in the right place, right?
I'd say the message to Wall Street is simple. Create jobs, which create TAXPAYERS. That could help with federal deficit, right?
If I was dictator I'd tie the tax rate for those at 400k and above to the unemplyment rate. High unmeployment=High Taxes, Low unemployment=low taxes for those e over 400k.
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