Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Can We Talk?

In a moment of remarkable candor, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid provides an ideological basis for support of his policies for the nation...or not.

See? It isn't that complicated. If you are of a certain ethnicity you don't need any more explanation for your voting choice. Would it be crude of me to point out the inherent racism of that? Would it be crass to call it "profiling"?

Let me explain, Harry.

Latinos tend to be family oriented. Your party tends to ignore, minimize and downplay those obligations.

Latinos tend to be self-sufficient, hard-working and dedicated to making their lives better. Your party tends to seek dependency through handouts and class warfare.

Latinos tend to be Catholic. Your party tends to support gay rights, oppose religious expression in the public square and vilify those who support their position with morality based arguments.

Latinos tend to distrust government rather than seek the regime's assistance in dealing with their issues. Your party is simply the opposite.

Come off the plantation, Massa Reid. Discard the title, Patron Harry. Give an entire culture the respect it deserves and don't diminish their capacity to evaluate solid political ideological arguments based on their merits.


Anonymous said...

I would add Patriotic also. As you are well aware, southwestern U.S. history is full of Latino MOH, DSC, Navy Cross and Silver Star awardees. Some of the finest warriors with whom I had the privilege to serve were Americans of Mexican descent. Senator Reid wouldn't understand the patriotism and loyality of that segment of our American community. regards, Alemaster

Anonymous said...

Still regardless of what we think Harry is correct. They will vote in mass for the Dems just like the blacks. Mindless ,yes, but sadly true.