Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Don't Mess With Texas

Yes, we're in the midst of a bruising primary race for Governor in Texas. We've got conservative incumbent Rick Perry who is viewed as either too conservative or not rightist enough depending upon the perspective of the observer, going at it against Washington long-termer, Kay Hutchison who apparently doesn't like being in the minority in Washington as much as the alternative. Throw in accused "truther" Debra Medina and you get the possibility of self-destruction of a couple of secure Republican incumbents along with loads of fodder for the opposition in the general election.

This morning we get an example of the Texas attitude which might be a campaign ploy by Perry but assuredly is a common sense plea as well against an over-reaching federal bureaucracy:

Your Data Is Suspect, So Don't Destroy Our Economy

In the aftermath of the Climategate melt-down with multiple discreditings of the motives and methodology of the warming crowd, it seems like a reasonable issue to raise. Recall a few years ago the screams of the enviro-whackos about the "hole in the ozone layer" which was deteriorating the shield which protects us from the sun's UV rays and makes this a livable planet. Ozone apparently is an essential component of our life-sustaining environment.

But moderation in all things is appropriate. The real issue is carbon dioxide and the seemingly arbitrary establishment of CO2 as a pollutant. Cap-and-trade was the goal and it seems to be dead in the chilly water at this point. But that doesn't mean the Bamster's minions aren't still going to chase after the destruction of our economy through re-design of our energy structure.

We've got an economy in recession and the way out is growth. Stifling that economy with ill-advised, poorly justified, and technologically unfeasible regulations is not something to be supported. A challenge by Texas of the EPA mandates is both politically popular for Perry as well as environmentally and economically good policy.

Watch to see how this plays out.

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