Sunday, February 07, 2010

None Crawl Lower

It isn't often enough that these loathsome creatures are arrested, indicted and punished:

OBE and Two Distinguished Service Crosses

There is no more despicable act that I can think of.

Yet we still have people who seek to cloak these slugs under the mantle of the First Amendment.

Law Professor Likens Valor Thieves to Pick-up Artists in a Singles Bar

Listen Dr. Turley, you can exaggerate the fish you caught yesterday. You can prevaricate about your Ferrari in the parking lot. You can dazzle the dollies with your exploits on Mt. Everest and your NASCAR victory at Darlington. But don't tell her you were equal to men who did more than they were asked to do willingly in the service of their country.

1 comment:

Six said...

Thanks for posting this Ed. I'd read about this pike but not that he'd been caught. This kind of thing makes me very, very angry. Better if I never meet him kind of angry.

Kudos to all the fine organizations out there finding and confronting them.