Friday, February 12, 2010

What We Have Here... a failure to communicate:

Remember the dignity, clarity and effective articulation of the late Tony Snow?

Here we've got a situation in which a pooch was clearly screwed. The tall dogs in the administration have already testified that DOD, CIA, FBI, Homeland Security, and Counter-Terrorism were NOT in the decision loop on Mirandizing the BVD Bomber. The embarrassing fact of just fifty minutes of interrogation makes it obvious that professional terrorist intelligence operatives didn't have time to get from the front door to the interrogation room, let alone gather "actionable intelligence" and make a determination that all available info was gleaned.

The admission last week that after five weeks of delay, the terrorist had resumed discussions makes the point of a screw-up clearly.

Why is it so impossible for the administration to simply say, we fumbled the ball, but we've done X, Y and Z so that we won't make the same mistakes again?

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