Friday, February 12, 2010

Will Even the Whackos Notice?

There is a certain level of blindness to the obvious required to be certifed as a full-fledged whacko. You must be deeply committed to your movement and oblivious to facts, logic, common sense or meaningful dialogue. It really helps in your certification if you carry an aura of intellectual superiority. You are so bloody smart that you are no longer constrained by reality.

Universities in America are almost universally recognized as being in that category and the Ivy League schools are the most clear examples. Of the Ivy League, it would be hard to top Harvard as being so smart they can even open the door to the White House for you without any other visible qualifications.

Read this:

Act Locally, Think Globally

That should handle the situation. Simply mandate that the top of the food chain eschew protein and revert to grazing on the quadrangle lawn. Those notorious vegan methane emissions in faculty meetings should speed up the debate considerably. Tax cars and eliminate parking. That should do wonders for local businesses and with the huge reduction in traffic both vehicular and customers, the closed businesses won't be polluting as much. And, of course, the impact of a 100,000 people taking these draconian measures should easily offset the other 6 billion or so who are living a more human existance.

"This emergency is created by the growth of local greenhouse gas emissions despite the urgent warnings of climate scientists that substantial reductions are needed in order to reduce the risk of disastrous changes to our climate," the Climate Congress reported in proposals issued on Jan. 23. "This proposal is made in the belief that an effective local response is, if anything, made more urgent by so far inadequate global agreements and federal policies for emissions reductions. It is made in the belief that our City should lead by example."

That seems a bit egotistical to me. First they assert the emergency is caused by their local greenhouse gas emissions. Hard to think that Cambridge is having a global impact. Then they believe that the otherwise inadequate global efforts and federal policies will pale in comparison to their response. Wow!

And, they are properly redistributionist. No nasty capitalism or even municipal efficiency in their taxes.

To best reduce emissions in the near-term, Green suggested a revenue-neutral carbon tax, meaning that little -- if any -- of the funds raised would be retained by municipal government. The vast majority under such a plan would be returned to the public.

So, they are going to tax the hell out of you then give you the money back? Don't believe it for an instant. They are going to tax the hell out of anyone who fails to march in lockstep with their utopian fantasy and they are going to give that money to the oppressed granola munchers who don't contribute to the economy or society beyond their climate friendly sloth.

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