Sunday, February 21, 2010

Lack of Assimilation

The opportunity to gain a higher education at an American university has long been a cherished one. To gain the benefits of our society with the possibility of succeeding and living a good life should be appreciated. To listen and learn from others who have more experience, more education and a different perspective is the purpose of the university experience.

Yet, there is an increasingly visible element in western societies in Europe and the United States which is not interested in doing that. They don't appear to seek assimilation in our culture but rather to convert our culture into one of their choosing. In the process they adopt the tactics and techniques of the terrorist and thug.

This occured about ten days ago at the University of California--Irvine:


MagiK said...

The people causing those interruptions appeared to be well organized, one after another they interrupted the speech ensuring the message did not get out...each would jump up mouth their bit then calmly walk to awaiting escorts out of the room. Each and every one of them should have been helped to fall down a flight of stairs once out of the room. Totally disgusting...and they are there with the help of my TAX dollars.

LauraB said...

So few words...I cannot fathom that sort of lack of propriety. The utter rudeness of not even waiting for the proper time to rebut the speech, to have a rational discussion baffles me.

"Useful idiots", indeed.