Monday, February 14, 2011

Clueless in DC

Want some insight into what is wrong with America? Look no further than our nation's capitol.

No to Wal-Mart

The 'Hood needs investment. A huge retail mega-store seeks to build in the neighborhood. So, what do you get? Gratitude? Hardly.

First in an egregious example of not doing the homework, Mya Harris has doubts about what the store will be stocked with. A quick Google search of Wal-Mart and their marketing model would show this non-capitalist, welfare-state dependent how the system works. Massive acquisition of affordable products, management through a centralized computer network and distributed through a just-in-time delivery system that allows only what sells to be replenished and all stock to be up front and not warehoused. It isn't magic, but more importantly, it doesn't allow for discriminatory stocking of special stores with their own line of crap. All Wal-Mart stores are equal opportunity providers of crap. One size crap fits all whether you are brown, black, white or pinto.

Second, what kind of rationale says don't build a huge retail outlet in my neighborhood for my shopping convenience because I am too stupid to know that I'm supposed to pay for merchandise and not simply take it. Who denies everyone a store because the presence of the store would lure you to break the law and thereby generate a criminal record?

It isn't the store that makes the criminal, Dumbo. It's the criminal that chooses to be a criminal.

Maybe we should simply scorch the earth and start over.

1 comment:

Murphy's Law said...

God forbid that any company should dare try to open a business and create actaul JOBS in an area where generations of people have gotten along just fine on welfare.

New York Ave and Bladensburg is pretty much a wasteland(except for the Checkers burger joint there--I hope thhat stays)and anything new there would be a positive change.

But don't be fooled--this is all about shaking Wal-Mart down for more concessions, and keeping a potential non-union employer out of this third-world city run by and for the Democrats. If wal-Mart were a unionized store, there'd be half a dozen of them in DC by now. That's the real issue here--the rest is just camoflage.