Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm So Relieved

Remember those campaign ads during the primaries that Hillary was running in which the phone rang at three in the morning and the question was whom you trusted to be able to respond to that emergency crisis competently.

Libya is in shambles. Any facade of sanity that Qaddafi supposedly had has been ripped aside and the madman is ordering his military to use absurdly outrageous force against his own people. It brought to mind that great quote at the beginning of Gladiator when the second-in-command says to Maximus, "A people ought to know when they've been conquered." Here it should be that a dictator ought to know when his days are expired.

On the global oil markets the price of a barrel of crude has soared to $100 today. Gas prices have already responded with a spike back into the mid-$3 range and over $4 in the tax-happy blue states like California. That is a direct impact on the American people and the struggling economy.

Who answered the White House phone at 3:00 AM this week?

Teen-ager Says His Daddy Might Comment Later

The Middle East is in flames and the press secretary notes that the president has a "scheduling conflict"! Is this like a quick run to Madison to bolster the flagging spirits of the union workers? Is he campaigning in eastern Illinois to the delinquent Indiana legislators? Maybe he's got one of those fly-off dinner dates in Chicago or NYC with the bride.

The clown show is getting old and decidedly dangerous.

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