Friday, February 04, 2011


Texas Translations of California Euphemisms.  
In California
In Texas
Diverse or Lifestyle Choice
Sinful and Perverted
Arsenal of Weapons
Gun Collection
Delicate Wetlands
Undocumented Worker
Illegal Alien
Cruelty-Free Materials
Conflict Diamond
Synthetic Fiber

Cubic Zirconium
Assault and Battery
Attitude Adjustment
Heavily Armed
Taxes or Your Fair Share
Coerced Theft
Commonsense Gun Control
Gun Confiscation Plot
Illegal Hazardous Explosives
Fireworks or Stump Removal
Nonviable Tissue Mass
Unborn Baby
Equal Access to Opportunity
Multicultural Community
High Crime Area
Fairness or Social Progress
Upper Class or "The Rich"
Progressive, Change
Big Government Scheme
Homeless or Disadvantaged
Bums or Welfare Leeches
Sniper Rifle
Scoped Deer Rifle
Investment For the Future
Higher Taxes
Healthcare Reform
Socialized Medicine
Extremist, Judgmental, or Hater
Victim or Oppressed
Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing
High Capacity Magazine
Standard Capacity Magazine
Religious Zealot
Reintroduced Wolves
Sheep and Elk Killers
Fair Trade Coffee
Overpriced Yuppie Coffee
Exploiters or "The Rich"
Employed or Land Owner
The Gun Lobby
NRA Members
Assault Weapon
Semi-Auto (Grandpa's M1 Carbine)
Fiscal Stimulus
New Taxes and Higher Taxes
Same Sex Marriage
Legalized Perversion


MagiK said...

I think the Defining Labels are incorrect...or insufficient it should read "Liberal Conservative"

:D Very good list though

Murphy's Law said...

Love it! About to share it with a transplanted, unreconstructed Californicator who lives nearby. His head will explode.

an Donalbane said...

Having been inundated with all the global warming I could stand this week, I wish I'd used some of the time at the kitchen table 'recycling' copper/zinc alloy containers with carcinogenic (according to California) heavy metal cored projectiles in diameters of .224, .244, .277, and .429 inch, for use in my arsenal of telescopically equipped sniper rifles.

Unfortunately, my ambition level was more that of a disadvantaged person, so I spent some of the time invested in reading a periodical from the gun lobby.