Thursday, July 07, 2011

The Fat Lady Begins an Aria

Tonight the lights will be going out for someone who deserves it. Texas will be executing a man who brutally tortured, beat, raped and then murdered a sixteen year old girl. He was tried, convicted and sentenced in 1994. Rick Perry was still nine years short of the governor's chair at that time.

Yet the Atlantic seems to be casting the governor as the villain in this scenario:

Perry Opposes Obama Plea to Stop Execution

You can be very certain that there have been plenty of appeals before this day. But, the final straw being grasped is that the murderer is a Mexican and not an American. He did the crime, but he didn't get his embassy involved. Now his justice is an international incident and the courts of Texas should be listening to the President's pleas that the world won't like us for terminating this disgusting creature's existence in a much more humane manner than he offered to his victim.

We should be letting the courts of other nations set precedent for our decisions.
The Obama administration is seeking a stay of Leal's execution until January in order to give Congress time to pass legislation that will force Texas to comply with the law. The Mexican government has also petitioned for a stay and says the execution could have long-term negative consequences.
"Another execution of a Mexican national in direct violation of international law would undoubtedly affect public opinion in Mexico, undermining support for a constructive and forward-leaning bilateral relationship," said Ricardo Alday, spokesman for the Mexican Embassy in the United States.

Note to Obama administration: The House of Representatives is in Republican hands. Passing legislation to "force Texas to comply" with an unratified international agreement is bloody unlikely. Reread 10th Amendment for details.

The umbrage of the Mexican government meanwhile has not been attracted by the deaths of some 150 Mexican nationals as an outcome of the Obama administration's inept gun-running scheme that armed hundreds of cartel thugs.

No, Governor Perry is going to follow the laws of Texas tonight and let the will of the court be carried out.

UPDATE: Supremes Rule. Lights Out. Remember Goliad.


Hippo said...

Perry for President! If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you should vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot! God help us if the SCOTUS gets another liberal onboard.

an Donalbane said...

The Mexican government has also petitioned for a stay and says the execution could have long-term negative consequences.

Like what, Mexico?

I think they call this penknife rattling...

Kinda like when Pakistan scolded the U.S. for disregarding its sovereignty in plucking OBL out of his lair. What were they going to do, stop sucking the teat of our foreign aid, cut off our supply of Kwiki-Mart cashiers?

As John Stossel says: "Give me a break!"

an Donalbane said...

Vis-รก-vis the current Mexico diplomatic dust-up, we are heartened to remember and reflect on the apropos and sagacious words of the recently departed first Republican Texas governor since Reconstruction.