Thursday, July 21, 2011

Paying For The Privilege

Being honored by the presence of the Great One for even a single day can have a high price. But simply being able to ponder his intellect, his beauty, his grandeur and his historic significance is well worth the cost.

Ireland Says Day-Tripper Cost $16.5 Million

I suppose it would have been better if he had left a foreign aid bundle of a couple of hundred million on the nightstand after he left. But hey, Ireland isn't Venezuela.

And what is Ireland griping about? Can you imagine what the American taxpayer has coughed up so far for these facetime trips? Why can't we just get him an iPad and a wireless account and then everyone can be enthralled continually around the globe?


Hippo said...

Here's an ode to O'Bama I found on YouTube:

Turn it up and ENJOY!!!

an Donalbane said...

Hippo, I love CN, and that version, too!