Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rethinking Confidence

I'm continually amazed at the default confidence which Americans put in their government. The same folks that grouse about their latest hassle at the DMV, trying to untangle their Social Security entitlements, or the delays in getting responses or even consideration from the Veteran's Administration, will calmly explain to me that government run healthcare is the answer. They blithely accept that government "creates" jobs and that "stimulus" of make-work projects in the hinterland will improve the economic outlook. It's absurd.

That brings us to this morning's bad news:

Cap Off, Berms Moved, Workers Dead

That is a concentration of bad which you won't often encounter. A robot blunders into the containment cap, a couple of workers have died (exactly when or why is not yet apparent) and the crack bureaucrats of the US Fish & Wildlife have mandated cessation of the sand berm dredging operations.

Move the Operation

Apparently the office drone at Fish & Wildlife hasn't noticed that fishes and wildlife are being killed by the oil hitting the coasts.

At least we've got some well-meaning ecologically disturbed sea captain out there trying to stop the boom-and-burn operations because it is harvesting and broasting the occasional sea turtle. Better to let the whole eco system die rather than listen to their mortal turtle screams in the night:

BP Fiddled While Turtles Burned

I fervently believe that the Messiah can successfully make a beautiful and very tasty three-egg omelot without breaking any eggs or harming any hogs in the dicing of the ham.

1 comment:

MagiK said...

Im hearing from people who actually live near some of the beaches that are being Headlined as having tar balls and thick oil on them. They are reporting there was no oil there while they were swimming this past weekend.

In 3 different places now I have had contact with people who are telling me theres no apparent oil on these beaches when they were swimming there recently. How does one know who to believe?