Wednesday, June 02, 2010

Where Did She Go Wrong?

It is a tragedy that brings tears to the eyes of any who read of it. How could something like this happen in America? Where is the justice? What will the Messiah do about it? Something must be done to prevent this sort of thing from ever occurring again! This is America after all and we are a nation of compassion, are we not?

Loan After Loan and Now They Want Repayment!

Ohhhhhh, the humanity! Alas and alack! What went wrong?

Her mother can’t help without selling her bed and breakfast, and then she’d have no home. She could take her daughter in, but there aren’t good ways for her to earn a living in Alexandria Bay, in upstate New York.

Excuse me? Mommy owns a bed and breakfast in upstate New York? The average B&B isn't a hovel in my experience. If you've incurred massive debts it might be time to adjust some things, heh? Or, if you are 30 years old, maybe mommy isn't responsible for you any more.

Cortney could move someplace cheaper than her current home city of San Francisco, but she worries about her job prospects, even with her N.Y.U. diploma.

Well, yes, living in the city with the highest cost of living in the entire nation might not be the best choice when you've got huge debts. Memo to Cort: there are jobs in other places in this great country of ours.

She recently received a raise and now makes $22 an hour working for a photographer. It’s the highest salary she’s earned since graduating with an interdisciplinary degree in religious and women’s studies.

I guess the recession has been hitting the "religous and women's studies" field pretty hard. Maybe a student smart enough to attend one of the premiere universities in the nation might have actually considered job potential when choosing a major course of study. Possibly something actually useful?

Ms. Munna understands this tough love, buck up, buckle-down advice. But she also badly wants to call a do-over on the last decade. “I don’t want to spend the rest of my life slaving away to pay for an education I got for four years and would happily give back,” she said. “It feels wrong to me.”

My goodness! She's grabbed a hundred G's of somebody else's money then not paid any of it back for the five years after she spent it all and she wants a "do over"! If it "feels wrong" to her imagine how it feels to the folks who are out the cash.


Kevin said...

I saw this article this AM, and got so hacked off I couldn't (nor wanted to) finish it. On many levels this exemplifies what is wrong with the citizens/voters of this great (or once great) Nation of ours. To that exent, I remain hopeful that such desease is curable and doesn't ultimately spell our demise.

The Commander said...

So much for the critical thought processes one is expected to acquire from "higher' education.

Harry said...

I'm considered less qualified for employment than people like this? Jesus.

steveH said...

This is off-topic, sorry, couldn't find an email link...

I've been watching a series of post-WW2 AF promotional video, and in one segment, I think we get a brief view and mention of Robin Olds father.

Here, a bit after 1:20, or so:

MagiK said...

Once again we see Democrats and Liberals wanting to blame anyone but the people responsible. *sigh* The Lenders on the other hand also deserve what they get, they didnt do their due dilligence to ascertain what the risks of recovering their capital were. A big thumbs down to the woman, her mother and the lending institutions...and a big fat middle finger to the Universities who maintain they arent responsible for helping educate their students on the realities of life.

nzgarry said...

I want to speak "new age", I hear it's all the rage...

As the freshman planned his classes,
he was different from his buddies,
and they all laughed off their asses,
when he started womans's studies.

At the start of the semester,
when all classes had begun,
he sat in the first lecture -
of WSTU one-oh-one.

At the front, in her chair,
sat the course instructor.
One glance there made it clear -
No man would have (touched) her.

She fixed her gaze upon him
with a cold and silent stare.
She came right out and asked him,
What business have you here?.

"If I want to get ahead,
I cannot be direct,
I need to learn to be" (he said)
"politically correct".

"I need to be post modern,
and multi cultural,
to further my ambition,
to be a politician."

"And when I have my doctorate,
and safely resident,
I'll bullshit the electorate,
and run for President."