Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What We Are Dealing With

Take a look at this from three years ago:

It is a hearing. Gen. Petraeus has been called from Iraq to testify to the Senate. The soon-to-be Commander-in-Chief, who at that point had never been to Iraq has seven minutes to get information, so what does he do? He pontificates.

He expresses dismay that almost(!) a trillion dollars had been spent on four years of combat operations against an enemy that had taken a good shot at mortally wounding the economic core of the US. Apparently his criterion of what constitutes big bucks has been adjusted recently.

He demonstrates reluctance to use strong language and appears positively sophomoric when he accuses President Bush of say "A-S-S". Apparently his standards of professional language has been revised.

He is appalled that the meeting is coincidentally on 9/11, somehow linking that to endorsement of a justification for the war in the first place.

He is unhappy with the results of the administration's conduct of the war and in denial about the impact of the surge.

He suggests that cost/benefit analysis is necessary before acting impulsively. Wow, what a concept! I wonder what happened to that.

Within days he will vote "Present" on a motion condemning the infamous New York Times ad about "General Betray-Us".

There is more to be disgusted about there, but grab the rest for yourself.

What a pontificating and pompous, self-centered A-S-S.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That is the problem with politics!! The hidden agenda and babbling crap that defies progress in any form!!