Friday, June 11, 2010

Simple Psychiatry

Offered without further comment:

A Psychiatric Analysis to Chill You



MagiK said...

Im not too hyped on Pshrinks for the most part, but this guy makes you scratch your head and is scary!

Tom Eckert said...

We have given 'supreme executive power' to a CIA world-destabilizer who's never been through a checkout line at the market, to a sociopath sex fiend and thief, to a doped-up frat boy and poseur and now a narcissist Muslim with Asperger's (like the guy in Boston Legal who'd walk around with his palms flat on his thighs??).

What's next- a necrophiliac Swedish Lutheran cannibal?

nzgarry said...

Scary but enlightening. The disturbed childhood is a fact.
Surely this piece illuminates what simple common sense has been whispering.
If so then her(?) advice must be heeded.

Robin of Berkeley is a gem. Her piece 'Liberals are from Mars,Conservatives are from Earth'
gives an insight into the worldview of the left that I have
struggled to understand.
What a discovery.

A lot could, and should be said about all this.

A staggering post.

Joan of Argghh! said...

The article aligns with my amateur observations save one: he's just another effin' Chicago thug politician, and like most of them, his antisocial disorder fits in snugly within the safety of that aggressive misfits gang.