Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Who Department?

How does Hillary get involved in this decision?

State Department Governs Environmental Impact of Parallel Pipeline?

Can no one rein in the circus of convolutions going on in the capitol?


FlyingBarrister said...

It's obviously a game of kick the can down the road so a decision won't have to be made until after the election. Zero's electorate is divided, and he thinks that keeping it abeyance based on a lack of time to fully review the enviro aspects is the best approach.

A significant number of Canadians were pulling for Obama to win and a number of them thought that he would be a good president. I wonder what they think now. In western Canada, they are all in the oil business irrespective of whether they want to be or believe they. It's similar to the Texas of old before all the yankee transplants and Californians started moving in.

MagiK said...

State is getting involved ..I believe as a segue into the idea that the UN should be governing environmental issues.....just one small step on the road to Socialist Utopia.

Anonymous said...

Uh no you guys have it all wrong. (maybe because wikipedia is down)

1. The State Dep't has say on all INTERNATIONAL pipelines. (I know sometimes it's difficult to realize that Canadia is a foeign country... but it is.)

It's the way it has always been... forever.

2. The GOP Governor of Nebraska has some environmental concerns he'd like fixed.

3 Both Obama and Gov Heineman want the pipeleine built once the environmental problems are resolved.

4. The evil tea party GOP types in congress see this as the opportunity to play politics rather than doing the right thing.

What is else is new?


Ed Rasimus said...

Three years of study, already 25,000 miles of existing pipelines across Nebraska's sandhill area, estimates between 6,000 and 20,000 immediate jobs created, oil goes to China otherwise, US refineries get product, dependence on foreign oil reduced, Obama's union stooges want it done, 18 months ago the SecState said it should be done and's the GOP's fault? You are indeed a piece of incredible work, Lead.

MagiK said...

Just for the record Lead...anyone who relies on Wikipedia as the be all end all source for research is an idiot. Wiki might point you in the right direction....or it may not, but as a solid source of factual data, it is far from the only stop for anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty.

Anonymous said...

While point 4 is an opinion I challenge anyone here to dispute the facts in points 1, 2, or 3.

Buehler? Buehler?

I should point out the Wikipedia article on the XL Pipeline has 72 source notes.


MagiK said...

For Point #1 you might technically be true, it is also true that it is HIGHLY unusual for the Secretary of State to get involved with an issue being controlled by the EPS and the Department of Interior especially when the question in hand is NOT about the INTERNATIONL aspect but about an INTERIOR aspect in ONE state.

Point 2, It's true.

Point 3, is not accurate Obama is the one politicizing this, he signed into law the bill that required him to make the decision in the 60 days...and 60 days was more than enough to have worked this out, it should have taken less than 30. This is a case where it helps him politically to delay, but hurts the American People and the people of the Midwest who desperately need jobs.

There is no rational excuse for the president of the united states to hurt the american people this way or to encourage these resources being directed to our International competitors...and Sec State should have kept her big fat behind out of it.

MagiK said...

oh how I wish for an edit function :)


FlyingBarrister said...

The State Dept. is involved by some minute provision of law concerning treaties and pipelines. If it were a domestic pipeline, it would not be involved.

Gov. Heineman of Nebraska is not on board with the decision, and the gist is that the pipeline can be re-routed from the path in the original application and be made acceptable to the state of NE. Approval by State is not approval by the State of NE, and vice versa. State Dept. holds a bigger hammer than it should and unnecessarily holds up the deal, but conversely, it's approval is not the final word on the matter. Too many cooks spoil the stew, and there is one too many here.

From an article published today and available online:

"But Heineman disputes any suggestion that the federal government needs lots of time to review his state's new study. He said the project already received initial approval from the State Department for the earlier route, before the department backed off upon objections from environmentalists."

FlyingBarrister said...

You all have to see the latest from the Dims, with Kucinich as the ringleader. They are proposing a "Reasonable Profits Board" for the oil industry.

As much as I will hate paying it, I would not mind seeing gas touch $5 per gallon just before the election.

Ed Rasimus said...

Adam Smith thought "reasonable profit" was determined between buyer and seller.

MagiK said...

The Federal Government has no right to set a "Reasonable" profit. Economics doesnt work when you have a "Command Economy" it fails, and it fails the people the most.

Still trying to find the words "Reasonable Profit" in the Constitution and ya know what...they arent there....surprise....I do find quite a lot of language limiting the Federal Government from butting in.....