Thursday, April 08, 2010

Insight to the Man

All writing is essentially auto-biographical. We write about what we know, where we've been, what we think, who has influenced us. Scratch the surface of even the most exotic of fantasies and you will find linkages to the author's soul.

We turn then to the Library of Congress web-site for these poems written by the Messiah. They provide us insight, but it might be terrifying in its implications.

We know that his mother married a Kenyan who fathered him and abandoned mother and son in short order. Mother, apparently unable to find suitable mating material within the evil United States became an expatriot to Indonesia where she married an alcoholic abuser. That didn't seem to work out well, so she packed young Barry up and headed to Hawaii for a short sojourn with mom and dad leading quickly to abandonment to their care.

So read and look into the soul at this exposure to his formative years:

Whiskey Shots and Underwear Sniffing

So, how's that male role-model thing working out for him? Abandonment by the black father, alcoholism from the Asian step-dad, abandonment by loving but revolutionary mom, and evenings spent watching grandpa throwing down shots and stuffing his Jockeys into your nose.

Is it any wonder that the President of the United States seems to be egotistical, narcissistic, self-destructive and driven to a utopian fantasy which will supposedly make everyone love him in gratitude for his largesse?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

During the primaries when my east coast friends were Hillary supporters, all of them had a "bad feeling" about him. Most of these were women, and their bad feeling wasn't simply an expression of their support for Hillary. They had a bad feeling that smart women get when they sense a guy has something wrong with his head. In fact, it was their feminine intuition that got my own antenna twitching and led me to figure out he's a head case. These poems, although they are late-adolescent nonsense, are nonetheless more evidence of this. Obama's got snakes.

Odd thing is, many of those smart east coast women switched over to Obama when he got the nomination. Their smart female intuition gave way to dumb female celebrity worship, or something?