Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Superfluous Issue of the Day

In the never ending quest for irrelevant topics to harp on, Rush and a host of others were berating the Messiah for his failed attempt at being "one of the boys" yesterday.

I watched the video and really was gagging at the posturing. Pawing the rubber, taking the piercing look-in to the catcher, the stretch, the pause, the delivery and the high fly ball that could only benefit from a bit of Bob Uecker play calling. "Juuust a little bit outside...the beltway."

But the flail of the day is about the pure political pandering with the White Sox cap, followed by the interview in the booth with the assertion that he's been a long and loyal White Sox fan. But the Cubs are OK too and their fans are really nice as well. And, he was raised in Hawaii so he was an Oakland fan first... Never noticed how close Oakland is to Oahu before.

The real issue was his memories of "Cominsky" Park. Last year it was a more egregious malapropism when he called it Cominsky Field.

Rush jumped immediately on the fact that nobody from Chicago ever calls the southside baseball place "Cominsky" more than once without getting slapped silly. It is Comisky with no "N", thank you.

But the earlier iteration was even worse when he called it Cominsky Field. Any good Chicago boy, from either the northside or the southside knows that the place on Addison St. is Wrigley FIELD and the place on 35th Street is Comisky PARK. You don't mix the names.

Failure to be able to name a single "favorite" player either from current roster or legacy for the White Sox pretty much cemented the deal that once again this guy is a total phony. Not a core principle to be found anywhere in his body. Not one.

1 comment:

Murphy's Law said...

Couldn't help but notice his water-carriers at MSNBC trying to play down the fact that fans were booing him by saying "I think Bush got booed more."

Oh--and Obama throws like a girl. Just sayin'