Tuesday, April 06, 2010


Why be surprised?

Woman March Topless to Protest Something or Other

Beyond my initial reaction being that they could apparently use a little more sun, I was wondering why this organizer wasn't aware of what the reaction would be:

Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was "enraged" by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration.

What not-quite-parallel universe does this woman inhabit? She organizes a bunch of apparently attractive young women to march through the downtown area en deshabille and is surprised that hormonally fueled young men would be there oogling!

Wow, who woulda thought that could happen?


MagiK said...

She's lucky I dont live in Maine any more, or there would have been an old guy there oogling too :D

Boobies, their what's for breakfast!

Supi said...

I wonder if they would have been upset if women turned out to oogle? I doubt it.

The moonbats are lacking serious education about men.

Hey my word verification is brapine. They are probably tree huggers too.