Friday, April 09, 2010

Suzy, What a Deep Voice You Have

We've all got visions of regions of our country. They are admittedly stereotypes. You know what I mean. Tennessee, Kentucky, Arkansas sort of brings forth a bit of banjo playing in the background and some sort of wilderness experience that terrorizes. California elicits either a pseudo-hip kind of West Coast flamboyance or maybe an ultra-liberal Bay Area snob. West Virginia, for better or worse, is going to cause a flashback to revenooers and in-bred feuding families in the holler.

Maine gives me a hard-working, strange-accented, plaid-mackinaw clad independent Puritan type. I must be very wrong.

Maine Board Bans Gender Specific School Loos and Lockers

If that doesn't conjure up some images, I don't know what it would take. Yes, indeed, folks. We've got some supposedly mature and responsible adults up there in Maine who apparently have had their brains frozen into immobility.

Can you imagine fourth, fifth, sixth graders running around the school restrooms? The heady mixture of emerging hormonal drives coupled with a strong dose of blatant immaturity will lead to some interesting encounters I'm certain.

What evil is this supposed to cure?

A "transgendered 12-year-old" felt uncomfortable! How pray tell does a twelve-year old who is just barely at puberty even become aware that they are transgendered?

How is this going to work in the high school gym class locker rooms? Should reduce some reluctance by some to take that after work-out shower, I'll bet!

But, really, is this the solution? To inconvenience, embarass, risk, the majority for the sake of some sort of weird political correctness goal?

Why not leave it just the way it is and let the occasional "transgendered 12-year-old" simply experience a bit of free titillation?


nzgarry said...

Ahh, but we must all be equal comrade...
I do hope for the good people of Maine that the fresh air of publicity will blow away this nonsense.

Anonymous said...

More commie Frankfurt School/Saul Alinsky types trying to destroy America. It's become the fashionable thing these days. Degeneration has become de rigueur, dah-ling, sniff.

Many people are undoubtably thinking the Maine Human Rights Commission should be introduced to the system of Professor Tar and Dr. Feather.

Meanwhile, elections next fall are going to be interesting.