Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Classwarfare Battle Skirmish

It is becoming woefully common. It is "us" against "them"; the little guy against the fat cat, the workers against the oppressive leadership, working class Americans against the wealthiest x percent, Main Street versus Wall Street, citizens against "special" interest groups, the proletariat fighting the bourgeoisie.

The motive is that if we vilify the other side we can do anything we want and you will eagerly accept it. (Please review Hitler/Jews and Stalin/Kulaks for context.)

Here's a beauty:

Transaction Tax on Market Operations

It isn't something Joe Sixpack is familiar with. Currency speculation and trading is complex and not what Joe will be attempting on Scottrade this weekend. It's done by "Big Banks" which must, by definition, be inimical to the common good since they make...drum roll, please...(obscene)profit. See how that works?

It isn't very much. No not a lot at all. Just a pittance. A mere "0.0005 percent" on a transaction so no one will notice. But, if it is so miniscule, how then does it raise $28,000,000,000.00 per year? Where does this money come from Pete? Who pays it? Really, who pays in the long run?

But, how can you deny the good that could be done?

Check this:

Here at home, the funds from this fee would be used to improve the quality and affordability of child care. This funding would provide more child care options, so working families can obtain the quality care their children need to begin school ready to learn.

Are you against "child care" for "working families" so children are "ready to learn"? You heartless beast! It will come from "Big Banks" and they've got plenty. Besides, we'll also use it for this:

Internationally, the bill would create a U.S. fund to assist developing countries with the impacts of global warming. At the United Nations Climate Change Conference in December, President Obama pledged to fund our country's commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change. This bill would make that promise real.

We're going to send the money to "developing countries" to deal with global warming! What about developing this country with free enterprise investment by those successful banks? Isn't that what our republic should be about?

Finally, the legislation would create a Global Health Trust Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other diseases that kill millions of people each year in developing nations. This money will fund treatments and prevention for these diseases, as well as research aimed at eradicating them altogether.

A mere $28B is going to do all that? Why don't we spend it here to deal with the diseases in our country? What's wrong with America first? Are we so economically flush that we can cure health problems around the world?

But then let's put the icing on the disgusting cake:

For too long, the needs of the financial industry have trumped initiatives that will help lift people out of poverty and give children a healthy start. The Investing in Our Future Act will aid in getting our priorities back in order, and reduce financial speculation by Wall Street.

The financial industry that fuels America's economy is EXACTLY what "lifts people out of poverty"! Our priorities should not be involved in tearing down our financial backbone. Wall Street is not the enemy of Main Street, it is the place where Main Street goes to do business and succeed.

Stark has served in Congress for 37 years. He's from the Bay area and next door to Speaker Pelosi's domain. He apparently forgot the principles of banking and entrepreneurial success that he benefited from before he went to Congress in 1973. Maybe he should be sent back to Walnut Creek after November.


Anonymous said...

Well, at the rate that this administration seems to be driving down value in the stock market, the transaction tax rate might be a little on the slight side. That $28 Billion might not materialize after all.

One can't help the ringing thought: "Sneaky bastards!"

Mike Brown

MagiK said...

They keep claiming their initiatives are going to raise X billions of dollars while ignoring the fact that the Initiative by its mere existance suppresses the drive that would generate the revenue in the first place. Freakin' morons