Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Short Term Memory

There's an old cliche about dealing with duplicity:

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me."

If you play games with me, I'll remember and if I let you do it again, then I'm the one to blame. I should be smarter than that.

Now, it is increasingly looking as though the huge Democratic majority in both chambers of Congress is going to be eroded and conceivably washed away entirely. It portends to be an election that will make the 1994 Congress-cleaning look like a Dem victory in comparison.

Apparently, however, they believe that you have no memory of their earlier shenanigans. They expect that they can don the mantle of a sheep and you won't notice the big teeth of the wolf. You are going to forget about the party platform position and the pronouncements of Dem leadership like Pelosi, Schumer, Dick Daley, Diane Feinstein, Elena Kagan, Eric Holder and hundreds of others.

They are going to tell you they love gun ownership.

Sixty Days to Go To a Gunshop and Buy Some Credibility

While the economy is a hot-button, there is a core cadre of voters that bases their votes on the single issue of gun rights. Much like the abortion issue, the single item drives the choice.

There is another group that recognizes that the Bill of Rights was written as the short list of our essential liberties. The First Amendment is first because it contains the very basic components of political discourse. The Second is next because it provides us the ability to protect the First. Our liberty is at the core and it is deeply threatened.

The Dems seem poised to daub some paint and attempt to change their spots. Fool me once, shame on you...and I think I'll still remember in November.

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