Thursday, July 01, 2010

The Face of Fascism

Have you wondered what fascism would look like in the United States? Did you ever have a dystopia dream in which life is Hobbesian; nasty, brutish and short? Have you pondered in the dark about what your existence would have been like had you been born in another place or another time into a life not so fortuitous as America?

We need not look far to see the frightening face of fascism in America today.

How To Serve the Citizenry in Metropolis

This is government run amok. This is absolute power which was seized and not constitutionally established. This is destruction of the rights of a people and denial of the basic principles enshrined by the Founders of our republic.

And, in all probability it will be meekly acceded to by the Morlocks of Chicago and applauded by the Eloi of the University of Chicago.


Concerned American said...

Just wait, Ed.

Look into the state of play in NYC, NJ, MA (where you can be arrested for the possession of a single expended piece of brass), and elsewhere in the Land of the (formerly) Free.

Daley will get away with his shenanigans.

I hope you and the other hard men from your time are out walking and doing some weight work.

We're gonna need you.

Six said...

It will pass and it will be challenged. Where it goes from there is anyone's guess. Until the voters of those cities and states where such is the law or is being contemplated start hanging political scalps on the wall and voting in people who will protect their rights the war on guns and armed citizens will never end short of English laws.

Anonymous said...

Concerned American:

"I hope you and the other hard men from your time are out walking and doing some weight work.

We're gonna need you."


Has the time come? Now what, when, where, how and whom? Hope has brought us to this place. How do a people so divided as we are at this point in history peacefully rid themselves of Marxist Masters once they have assumed total control of a nation?

Ed, I admire you greatly for what you have done and for the ideas you present today. Unfortunately, many of us continue to spotlight the problems but proposed solutions that go beyond just wait until November are in short supply.

In my humble opinion that simply means chosing one piece of scum out of the pond instead of another. Do you see anyway that a non-political patriotic constitutionalist could actually run for President of the United States in 2012 and give the people a choice in place of an lying echo?

How about some ideas about actually solving major problems in a nation in rapid decline? Do you think the Republic can be preserved or have we passed the point of no return in your opinion?


One who has also served his country because he believed it was a worthy cause for a worthy nation.