Friday, July 16, 2010

Those Who Fail to Learn History

You can't start learning the lessons of history to avoid repeating them, until you learn the history which contains those lessons in the first place. It also helps if you've got a bit of awareness of the world around you. Of course none of that seems to have hampered the stellar political career of Sheila Jackson-Lee...

Somebody, please buy her a book. Then hire someone to read it to her.

h/t to TigerHawk for the link.


bongobear said...

How can anyone be so ignorant? Do you think she'll be embarrassed when somebody clues her in?

Murphy's Law said... But her constituents just keep re-electing her, probably because the bulk of them are not any brighter.

She reaffirms my belief that only people who have jobs and pay taxes and are not felons or welfare recipients should be allowed to vote.

bongobear said...

immagikman, I doubt she meant Korea as they are not living peacefully next to one, I'm sure she was talking about Vietnam.

Six said...

Oh Good Lord.