Monday, July 02, 2012

Taking Control Away

The Internet has opened the world. Now apparently, it is demonstrating how it can just as easily take that world away.

Google Guts Guns, Ammo, Accessories From Shopping

That is a politically correct reach that extends way too far. Products that are legal and offered under all existing laws and conditions of sale should not be denied users of the Internet. Couching the policy in terms of "to better serve you" and societal goals is just so much posturing. A mailed fist on a jack-booted thug, even with the pinky raised while holding the tea cup, is still a mailed fist.


Jeff McDonald said...

Of course, you can "vote with your feet" and use a different browser...;-)

MagiK said...

Switch to Bing. The nice thing about the internet is...EVEN google can't control it.

MagiK said...

Near as I can tell using google searches still leads you to ammo sites. Perhaps it was just Googles listed places that are censored.

Old NFO said...

It's in the "Google Store" where no bug related stuff will be linked.

I've already removed Google from my computer... let my fingers do the walking, so to speak...

Chris Manno said...

Amazing what even the hint of a boycott can do: a massive juggernaut like Google pandering to the left.

Probably shouldn't be able to Google any NCAA football or hoops results unless an equal number of Title IX scores are displayed as well.