Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mandatory Reading

Of the Founders, my favorite has long been Jefferson. Maybe it was that he was the first one that I devoted any time to learning about. Maybe it was the very entertaining and instructive portrayal by Dr. Clay Jenkinson in Colorado who donned colonial garb and wig to visit us as Jefferson in character. He spoke in the words of Jefferson, he quoted extensively from Jefferson's writing, and he even did a Q & A session in which he answered audience questions in the language and applying the philosophy of Jefferson. Maybe it is because I'm somewhat of an anti-federalist myself, wanting apparently in vain, for a smaller federal government and more freedom for the citizens.

Here's a quote from TJ:

Yes, we did produce a near perfect Republic. But will they keep it, or will they, in the enjoyment of plenty, lose the memory of freedom? Material abundance without character is the surest way to destruction.

If that doesn't sum up our current situation perfectly I can't imagine what would.

Read more about what we have become at American Thinker here:

It's Character, Stupid!

We don't show much of that lately. Is it possible to turn back or are we too far gone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Now a'days the Jeffersonians are to be found in . . . Poland!