Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Tell Me Again Who Won?

I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried. It is December 7th, "a day that will live in infamy..."

So here's how that works in Washington:

Sasha and Malia Sup on Sushi and Sukiyaki

YGBSM! Are they all tone deaf?


Anonymous said...


Potshots involving the O-Man and his wife are allowed.

Their children should be off-limits.


Anonymous said...

Tonedeaf assumes they're unaware of their actions.I assure you they know well what they're doing.
We just got a big eff you thrown in our face.Again.


Anonymous said...

Hate to be the wet blanket on some good old fashioned indignation, but that menu was far more likely to have been found in homes in Hawaii (you know, the place that was attacked) than in Japan (the evil ones responsible for the sucker-punch).

I mean, I hate the job the guy is doing and the damage he's doing to our country as much as anybody, probably more. But this is a bit off the map.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
